Sunday, 24 January 2010

This is Africa!

So I write to you from an internet cafe at the local Pick n Pay! It's been an interessting few days. Flights and all that went really well and after initial confusion we were picked up at the airport in like a mininbus taxi thing. The driver was typically African...lively and full of chat and when he learned that I was from Ireland he made the usual jokes about Irishmen loving pubs and drinking as if we do nothing else! The first sight of the Indian Ocean was breathtaking as I saw the waves crashing hard against the bright white beach. It's windy here...very windy...but that's not a bad thing as its also very hot so the two kind of counteract each other. Actually I think I'm running out of time here...hopefully I get my internet problem solved soon so I can keep you more informed of my goings on! For now though all you need to know is I'm safe...I'm enjoying myself...and God's looking after me!


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